“Nothing thicker than a knife's blade separates happiness from melancholy.”
- Orlando, Virginia Woolf (1928)

PAL is a visual poem that gives form to the
moment when we trade freedom for safety.
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moment when we trade freedom for safety.
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A research
presentation based on the fascination and pleasure of indefinite
thinking. Encouraged by transforming
instead of being.
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A poetic movement piece about a space between defenitions. A space with desire, but without compliance. A contimuum without discrete steps.
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MHEX is a performance installation on location. In a deeply dark bunker, you will be guided and misled by your own intuition, thoughts and sensations.
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A performance based on the book of Virginia Woolf. The space consists of the tension between transformation and identity.
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A body in search of touch. A film research.
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A physical duet fueled by the conflict between yearning for the indefinable and for contact.Continue reading

A perfomance by Charles Pas

NTR docu about the body in a new home.
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Jakop Ahlbom Company returned to the theater after more than a decade with Vielfalt.
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A short poetic documentary about the emotions we embody and connect to the physical reactions we have to sexual harassment.
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STABAT MATER is a music performance about how to live if we seem to lose the child in ourselves.
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New mannder are being sought in a fight against disruption.
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